Friday, May 8, 2009

Christians with tattoos

This is just something I'm pretty curious about. I mean everyone is different so I guess everyone would have different opinions on the matter. Personally i wouldn't mind having a tattoo but like it'd be something I'd definitely need an answer from God before I'd do it.
So what do you guys think?


  1. Hi there! Thanks for commenting on my blog :)

    I admire your strong faith, and how you are willing to blog about it. Keep going!


  2. Thanks! sorry only just saw your comment! hope that your doing good well at college!

  3. Tattoos, hmm . . . well, it isn't the hardest issue to answer. Rather than giving my opinion, I'll let God speak for me. "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." ~ Leviticus 19:28. Aside from that, there is also the fact that tattoos and piercings of the flesh both have their roots in occult practices and witchcraft. Of course, the vast majority of people do this in ignorance, but I think few of them would change even if they did know. I'm not judging anyone, I'm just laying out what God's Word says, however unpleasant it may be, haha. Throughout the Old Testament, the Bible mentions earrings, markings on the flesh(tattoos), and cuttings in the flesh multiple times, and to my knowledge it is never in a positive light. And often it is associated with pagan rituals, practices, etc. So, take from this what you will, but I would say that, if you are going to get a tattoo, please don't do so without prayer! (Hope I didn't come across as condemning! I personally wouldn't do it, but I don't think less of those who do.) God bless.

  4. I was just getting ready to post that verse that Christ-Blade posted. Christians who do get a tatoo probably just never heard that verse or they didn't understand what it was saying. It's funny, one thing that my family has noticed and we're continually learning, the more value society puts on something, the more we should take a good, hard look at it and question it's value. My view based on that scripture verse, Christians shouldn't get a tatoo. I have known many Christians with tatoos and I don't think they were less of a Christian because of it. However, that scripture that Christ-Blade posted pretty much states God's view on the issue and as Christians who have heard that verse, I think we should take it seriously.

  5. Thanks for the replies! I only just saw them today! I have a question though, and I'm simply asking this as humbly as I can, um when Christ died for us, didnt like everything change? For example, we can now eat pork etc.
    Again I ask as humbly as I can :)
